


BK Fit Studios – 07/10/2015

Last day to test out. With the holiday weekend coming to an end and heading into the dog days of summer, it’s time to start building strength and looking forward to next year’s OPEN. Time to work on our weaknesses and build more strength, stamina, power and speed.

We start our New Strength Cycle (Wendler 5/3/1) this week which will give you your BASE weight (90% of 1RM), this BASE is the weight used to calculate all your percentages per week.  We will have a printed sheet on the wall in the gym that will calculate your 1RM for each movement.  You can round up each percentage to the nearest 5 or 10.  Please be prepared with all your percentages so we can move smoothly through our strength portion of the class.

The program will starts light, stick with weight, each cycle we will be adding 10# to lower body and 5# to upper body. We will build absolute strength slowly but surely.

If you still need to find 1 Rep Max for certain movements you can come in during open lifting hours or Saturday/Sunday or just wait until we do the movement and you go for your 1-RM.

(Find a 1 RM in 20:00)

Members who have not been here before February 1st will be doing a set of 5.

WOD – Jackie (Time)

15min cap: For Time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters, 45#
30 Pull-ups

QOD – What do you keep in the trunk of your car?