Clinton Hill, East Williamsburg – CROSS TRAINING
Do you have a friend or family member who is dying to try Cross Training but needs a little push? Well next week they'll get that chance! We're hosting Bring-A-Friend days November 13, 14, & 15. So that Fri, Sat and Sunday, you're welcome to bring a friend with you to any class (including Saturday Rowing or Power-Lifting!). These classes won't be capped and your class limits don't apply that week IF YOU BRING A FRIEND (so you can earn a few extra visits that week if you bring a friend along to your Thurs, Fri and/or Sat class). We do ask that you be the host/hostess for your friend that day, so a) you have to join them for the class they attend and b) you can only bring one friend per class. Got two friends who want to visit on Thursday? Well then you get to do TWO CLASSES & TWO WODS that day! smile emoticon The WODs on these days are scalable/doable for all levels. On Sat, we'll do partner WODs so you can work out with your friend. Sunday's WOD is a four-person team workout. https://www.facebook.com/events/190551981282702/
QOD – Do you prefer all you can eat bbq or all you can eat chinese?
Strength / Skill
Clean (In 15 minutes build up to a 1 RM Clean)
If you can not preform the clean then power clean + front squat it.
WOD (Time)
1000 meter row
30 burpees
40 power cleans (95/65#)
50 wall ball shots (20/14#)
1 lap around the block