


Bed Stuy, Bushwick, Clinton Hill, East Williamsburg, Williamsburg – Powerlifting


Warm-up (No Measure)

Squat Stretch Elbow Pry (30 Seconds)

3 Rounds of:

5 Back Squats

5 Strict Press

5 Romanian DL


Deadlift (1@8, 4@8, 75% 2×4)


1@8=92% estimated 1rm; do not max out, you should be able to do a 3rm with the weight.

4@=83% e1rm, you should be able to do 2 more reps. Use estimated max from your heavy single to find this weight and 75% of your e1rm.

Shoulder Press (1@8, 4@7 x3)


1@8=92% estimated 1rm; do not max out, you should be able to do a 3rm with the weight.

4@7=80% e1rm, you should be able to do 3 more reps. Use estimated max from your heavy single to find this weight.

2-count Pause Bench Press (10@7, 10@8, 10@9)

10@9=71% estimated 1rm, you should be able to do only one more rep.

Chin Ups (6 minute AMRAP)

Score is total reps in 6 minutes. Try to pace yourself with EMOM sets.