The First WOD for Valentine’s Day Competition
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The first WOD for this Valentine’s Day is…
1 Rep Max Clean Ladder – EMOM
w/ 4 Over the Bar Burpees before each attempt
There are 12 stations, as per below, you can only complete 5 stations in a row. You can choose where you can start but you must perform 4 OTBB + 1 clean for 5 consecutive stations (rest the remaining minute.)
Tie Breaker:
After your last station, 1-minute max effort burpees.
1 squat clean (75/ 45 lb.)
1 squat clean (95 / 65 lb.)
1 squat clean (115 / 80 lb.)
1 squat clean (135 / 95 lb.)
1 squat clean (155 / 110 lb.)
1 squat clean (175 / 120 lb.)
1 squat clean (185 / 127.5 lb.)
1 squat clean (195 / 135 lb.)
1 squat clean (205 / 142.5 lb.)
1 squat clean (215 / 150 lb.)
1 squat clean (225 / 157.5 lb.)
1 squat clean (235 / 165 lb.)