Coach Jordan – Welcome aboard!
My name is Jordan Berke, I’m a competitive powerlifter with about a decade of experience that has taken me all the way to the world stage. On the way, I’ve coached lifters of all experience levels from collegiate athletes to world medalists, and instructed individuals who have never touched a barbell to their first meet. I’m passionate about the details, and pride myself with adhering to evidence based training methods. I can talk to you for hours about the implementation of autoregulation based training methods if you’d like, but I can also break it down to the necessities and communicate what you need to hear.
I’m excited to begin coaching at Cross Training BK Fit and hope to make it the premier box in NYC for powerlifting. We’ll be putting together the programming over the course of the next few weeks, so if you’re excited about getting stronger please get involved. If you’d like to read a little bit more about me and my methodologies you can read my post about overcoming plateaus (If you want to host this on your blog that works. Or you can link to mine. http://squatsandscience.com/ 2015/10/the-squats-science- perspective/), and feel free to send me any questions (they can use [email protected], or if you want to use a Cross Training BK Fit email that works).
I hope to see you all soon!