You Have Goals, Now What?: By Coach Richard Wood


You Have Goals, Now What?: By Coach Richard Wood

Itʼs a new year, and with that we all have new fitness and health goals. Also, if you happen to forget, the Cross Training Open is soon approaching (less than 50 days now). You wonʼt reach your goals or your fitness potential by not doing the work now!

So ask yourself what is/are your goals (long term and short term)? Are you mastering double unders? Learning how to kip your toes to bar and pull ups? Are you conquering the ring/bar muscle up? Improving your endurance and stamina? And are you working on these goals outside of class time?

Oftentimes, we are limited by the inability to perform movements in a workout. As coaches, we are passing along skills and drills for you to use and build upon outside of class. For example, lately we have been working on ring dips in our gymnastics classes and some of the skills and strength components can be worked on on your own once or twice a week, 15 minutes before or after class.

Furthermore, are you fueling your body with the right nutrients to meet your fullest potential? Believe it or not, nutrition is the hardest part of living a healthy and fit lifestyle. Personally, Iʼve had times where I would do a workout while dieting properly and improperly, and the differences are significant. I’m either finishing much faster or completing more rounds much faster.

Very soon we are starting a Whole 30 nutrition challenge. Challenge yourself to

remove junk food, fast food and alcohol from your diet. With that youʼll be able to drop a few pounds, tone up and move much better in a workout. I know the thought of giving up some of your favorite meals, treats and drinks can seem scary, but you can do it. Youʼve gotten this far by consuming these items. Now see how much farther you can go when you don’t!

Champions succeed by working on their weaknesses, doing extra work and proper dieting.

You have a responsibility to yourself, so just do it.