


Clinton Hill, East Williamsburg – CROSS TRAINING


Tell us something ridiculous that you have collected or like to collect now?


In 10 Minutes, build to heavy 3-rep Thruster from the floor

Thruster (Build to heavy 3-rep)

This is meant to act as a primer for the workout – go for a challenging set of 3 but not a max, and make sure you are resting around 90-120 seconds between attempts. If your position feels off, spend time between attempts staying mobile that you are efficient on the wall balls in the workout.

*Scale to 5×5 Dumbbell Thruster (1 set every other minute for 10 minutes)


12 minute cap

Karen (Time)

For Time:
150 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#
scale: 100 Wall Ball Shots For Time (14/8) – to 9′

Stretch / Cool Down

AMRAP 6 (slow pace, not scored):

Row x 10 Cal

Double Under x 20 (or Jump Rope Single x 50)

Spend some time mobilizing hip flexors with the couch stretch of some variation – keep yourself feeling good for the rest of the week!