


Clinton Hill, East Williamsburg – CROSS TRAINING


If you could get any gift this year under $1000 what would you choose?


Row or Airdyne 1000m – a good hips and shoulders warm up – running doesn’t give your hips enough flexion

Bear crawls/monkey scurries 2mins of forwards, backwards, left and right – these are great to start warming up the shoulders and hips

Inchworms 5-10 good, loong, slow ones – feel your body extending out into the range that you need for full-on beast-mode!

OHS with the bar (20kg), 30kg, 45kg – maybe 10-15reps at each weight level – consider using a 15kg bar with 2x15kg plates – this will help preserve the thin 10kg plates!

Kipping progressions

Some pullups and chin-ups – 5-10 of each – start with 2-3 strict pullups and chin ups to activate the muscles of the shoulder a bit first

Progress to CTB pullups using butterfly and kipping

Repeat the movements as required until you feel ready – take 5mins rest to recover and prepare for the WOD


Judge each other.

Goal is to get into the 6:00 – 9:00. Scale accordingly.

RX: Cross Training Games Open 14.2 and 15.2 (AMRAP – Reps)

Includes Masters up to 54 years old

0:00 – 3:00

2 Rounds of:

10 Overhead Squats, 95# / 65#

10 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups

3:00 – 6:00

2 Rounds of:

12 Overhead Squats, 95# / 65#

12 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups

6:00 – 9:00

2 Rounds of:

14 Overhead Squats, 95# / 65#

14 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups

The ladder will ascend every 3-minutes until the athlete can not complete the ladder.

Scal: Cross Training Games Open 15.2 Scaled (AMRAP – Reps)

Includes Masters up to 54 years old

0:00 – 3:00

2 Rounds of:

6 Overhead Squats, 65# / 45#

6 Chin-over-Bar Pull-ups

3:00 – 6:00

2 Rounds of:

8 Overhead Squats, 65# / 45#

8 Chin-Over-Bar Pull-ups

6:00 – 9:00

2 Rounds of:

10 Overhead Squats, 65# / 45#

10 Chin-Over-Bar Pull-ups

The ladder will ascend every 3-minutes until the athlete can not complete the ladder.