Clinton Hill, East Williamsburg – CROSS TRAINING
What kind of food eating challenge do you think you could win?
Every 90 seconds for 12 minutes (8 sets)
High-Hang Snatch (2, 2 full sec pause @ bottom to stabilize)
Then focus on pushing off the heels to recover
Strength / Skill
Back Squat (3-3-3-3)
1×3@70%, 1×3@75%, 1×3@80%, 1×3@85%
If you do not have a % to work off of. Work up to a 3 rep max while maintaining good form (breaking bellow parallel)
Metcon (No Measure)
15 minute EMOM
Minute 1: 30 Double Unders
Minute 2: 15 Wall Balls
Minute 3: 250/200M Row
-complete the set amount of reps/meters in that minute and rest the remainder of that minute, then on the next minute move on to the next movement and perform it in the same fashion until the entire 15 minutes have expired.