Clinton Hill, East Williamsburg – CROSS TRAINING
What did you do last night for Halloween?
WOD 1: Hang Clean + Jerk (Find a 1 rep max)
WOD2: Metcon (Time)
21 ring rows, 15 pullups, 9 chest-to-bar
21 deadlifts (95/65), 15 hang cleans, 9 shoulder-to-overhead
21 wall balls (10#), 15 @ 14#, 9 @20#.
WOD3: Metcon (Time)
For Time:
Athlete 1 – 460m Run
20 Thrusters 45#
10 Dubs or 20 Singles
(tags member)
Athlete 2 – 460m Run
15 Thrusters 75#
20 Dubs or 40 Singles
(tags member)
Athlete 3 – 460m Run
10 Thrusters 105#
30 Dubs or 60 Singles
(tags member)
Athlete 4 – 460m Run
5 Thrusters 135#
40 Dubs or 80 Singles
The clock is stopped when all members of the team put their hands in a circle together and cheer the team name