Clinton Hill, East Williamsburg – CROSS TRAINING
What was the fashion you loved most in the 80/90s?
Hang Power Clean (5-5-5)
5 pounds heavier than last week, as form allows. If you put down the bar between reps then it’s to heavy. 5 unbroken reps.
Deadlift (5-5-5-5)
Up to 85%
No dropping allowed from top.
Do not touch and go. Do not remove your hands from the bar or rest to long then it’s not considered a set.
We are looking for you to get into rounds of 12s to 15s
Cross Training Games Open 13.4 (AMRAP – Reps)
Complete AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
3 Clean and Jerk #135/95
3 Toes-To-Bar
6 Clean and Jerk
6 Toes-To-Bar
9 Clean and Jerk
9 Toes-To-Bar
12 Clean and Jerk
12 Toes-To-Bar
15 Clean and Jerk
15 Toes-To-Bar
18 Clean and Jerk
18 Toes-To-Bar
21 Clean and Jerk
21 Toes-To-Bar
*If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.