Valantine’s WOD
East Williamsburg – CROSS TRAINING
1 Rep Max Clean Ladder – EMOM
w/ 4 Over the Bar Burpees before each attempt
There are 12 stations, as per below, you can only complete 5 stations in a row. You can choose where you can start but you must perform 4 Over the Bar Bureepes + 1 clean for 5 consecutive stations (rest the remaining minute.)
Tie Breaker:
After your last station, 1-minute max effort burpees.
WOD1: Clean (1 Rep Max Clean Ladder – EMOM)
For time: 15:00 TIME CAP
WOD2: Metcon (Time)
40 Partner jumping lunges
40 Partner lateral burpees
40 Wall ball Shots
40 Pull ups (C2B/Regular)
Buddy carry x 4
15:00 TIME CAP
– Must hold hands on partner lunges
– Burpees: 20 each member, sets of 5.
– Wall Ball: (each partner must preform 40 and every 10 alternate)
– Pull-Ups: A member must complete only 5 reps.
– Buddy Carry: (4 lengths of the rig, a each member must complete at-least one length)
WOD3: Metcon (Time)
10 rounds (5each) alternating after each Rd.
15 Cal row
10 Push Press (95/65)
5 Burpee Box Jumps 30/24