Clinton Hill, East Williamsburg – CROSS TRAINING
Deload Week: Do not go over what is prescribed.Those who do not understand what cycle/weight to use, ask a coach.
C2W4: Shoulder Press (TM+5 x 40% , TM +5 x 50%, TM+5 x 60%)
5 at TM+5 x 40%,
5 at TM+5 x 50%,
5 at TM+5 x 60%,
5 at TM+5 x 50%,
5 at TM+5 x 60%,
WODÂ Metcon (Time)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
7min of Double Unders.
Every time you break 5 Toes to Bar
Score total reps for double unders.
record total toes to bar in notes.