Article Feature: Barbend – Best Weightlifting Shoes 2017
One thing that is vastly overlooked in many boxes/gyms worldwide is the importance of wearing proper footwear for lifting. Soft shoes that don’t provide much... Read More
Why Do We Squat Everyday? Muscle Fibers and Movement Patterns
Introduction Being the one who programs the workouts for BK Fit, I am bombarded daily with questions/complaints that sound like “Why are we squatting again... Read More
Why We Train The Way We Train
One of life’s most fundamental questions is why. Why do we get up in the morning, why do we go to work, why do we... Read More
Up Coming Events in October!
New “chalkboard” paint community board- for announcements, social events, bdays, PR’s, trash talk, etc. #fiftyshadesofgrey. Will be wiped clean the last day of every month.... Read More