Bed Stuy, Bushwick, Clinton Hill, East Williamsburg, Williamsburg – Powerlifting
Warm-up (No Measure)
Squat Stretch Elbow Pry (30 Seconds)
3 Rounds of:
5 Back Squats
5 Strict Press
5 Romanian DL
Back Squat (6@6, 6@7, 6@8 x2)
High Bar Squat
6@8=78% estimated max, should be able to do 2 more reps. Add 3-5% to increase 1 RPE, drop 5% if you hit @9.
Floor Press (6@6, 6@7, 6@8 x2)
6@8=78% estimated max, should be able to do 2 more reps. Add 3-5% to increase 1 RPE, drop 5% if you hit @9.
Block Pull (4@7, 4@8, 4@9, -5% x4)
From crash pads
Mid-shin block pulls(from 25 or 45lbs plates)
4@9=86% estimated max, should be able to do 1 more rep.
Add 3-5% to increase RPE by 1