We started in April into a new strength program, Wendler 5/3/1. This is a powerlifting program based off 90% of your 1RM for four core movements: Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press and Overhead Press. That being said we will be starting our second cycle next week.
One important thing to remember is that Cross Training is a group class so individual progress and record keeping will be the job of the athlete. With this program as with Cross Training everything is measurable, so it is vital to keep a record of your numbers if you are interested in following the program and measuring you performance progress. If you aren’t to concern with performance and just want to get a great fitness workout then that is also fine, but let’s keep in mind that the amount of weight being used in each workout will be determined by your strength, each workout should be certain percentages of your one-rep max. I understand not everyone will be able to make all the training sessions and that’s also fine, you will just continue with the set/rep scheme as prescribed on the days you come in.
This program will ONLY using 90% of your 1RM, building strength is a marathon not a sprint. The program will work on a 4 day training cycle, week 1 is your 5 reps, week 2 is your 3 reps, week 3 is you 5/3/1 rep and week 4 will be your de-load week each cycle will last one month. At the end of the month we will add 5 pounds to the bench press and overhead press and we will add 10 pounds to the squat and deadlift.
The exercises will be interchangeable with variations on a monthly bases.
Week 1: (Wendler 5’s) – start with a warm-up for 3 sets (40% x5, 50% x5 and 60% x3)
65% of 90% 1RM x 5 reps
75% of 90% 1RM x 5 reps
85% of 90% 1RM x 5+ reps (As many reps as possible, MUST be more than 5)
Week 2: (Wendler 3’s) – start with a warm-up for 3 sets (40% x5, 50% x5 and 60% x3)
70% of 90% 1RM x 3 reps
80% of 90% 1RM x 3 reps
90% of 90% 1RM x 3+ reps (As many reps as possible, MUST be more than 3)
Week 3: (Wendler 5/3/1) – start with a warm-up for 3 sets (40% x5, 50% x5 and 60% x3)
75% of 90% 1RM x 5 reps
85% of 90% 1RM x 3 reps
95% of 90% 1RM x 1+ reps (As many reps as possible, MUST be more than 1)
Week 4: (De-Load)
All Strength for this week will ONLY be in the 40%-60% of 90% 1RM.
Week5: New Cycle…..start week 1 again, if you hit all your numbers, which you should, you will add 5lbs to your 1RM Press’s and 10lbs to your 1RM Squat/Deadlift and re-calculate your 90% 1RM. (MAKE SURE THAT YOU ADD IT TO WEEK 1 CYCLE back in April) (have your numbers ready before you come into class, we don’t want you having to miss your lifts because you are calculating your lift percentage)
This program will start light and progress slowly but you will break personal repetition records on a weekly basis. So if you squat 225# x 6 and then 225# x 9 you have gotten stronger, by default your 1RM will also be higher.
The Wendler Strength program is a pure strength program, but fear not we will still add our conditioning met-cons daily and we will also add Olympic and gymnastics skills throughout the programming.