wod 1/2


wod 1/2


AMRAP 10 @ moderate pace:
100m Row
10 Inchworm + Down Dog pose
10 each Alternating Groiners
10 KB Goblet Squats
10 each Single Arm KB Shoulder Press
10 each Single Arm Russian KB Swings


Olympic Lifting

Do not superset


Pause Split Jerk (3×3 @ light to moderate weight)

Pause for 2 seconds in jerk dip and 2 seconds in catch position.



Metcon (3 Rounds for weight)

Every 4 min for 12 min:
500/400m Row
In remaining time, find a 1RM Clean and Jerk

As many attempts as you want in remaining time.

Score is heaviest successful lift each round.



Traps/upper back, glutes and hamstrings