


Clinton Hill, East Williamsburg – CROSS TRAINING


DO you eat the filling out of the OREO and dunk the cookie or do you dunk the whole OREO in milk?

OPENS – Register to compete


You will never regret doing it and will be so happy that you did it…….


20 sec: JJ

20 sec: Lunges

20 sec: Mountain Climbers

20 sec: Jumping Air Squats

(5 reps of each)

– Good Mornings with Barbell

– Jumping Back Squats

– Lunges with Barbell Behind Neck

– Lunges with Barbell in Front Rack

– Lunges with Barbell Overhead

– Burpees Over Barbell

– Pull Ups (either jumping or chest to bar)


Quick Tips:

-Wear knee sleeves

-Try your best NOT to break up the OH Walking Lunges

-Break up the pull-ups early

-Pace yourself

-Have fun!

RX:: Cross Training Games Open 16.1 (AMRAP – Reps)

20 Minute AMRAP

25 Ft OH Walking Lunge 95#/65#

8 Bar Facing Burpees

25 Ft OH Walking Lunge

8 C2B Pull-Ups

*Jump over the bar after each burpee

*Mark out lines in 5ft increments for the lunges, every 5ft is 1 rep

Scale: Cross Training Games Open 16.1 Scaled (AMRAP – Reps)

20-Minute AMRAP of:

25 Ft. Front Rack Walking Lunge, 45#/35#

8 Bar Facing Burpees

25 Ft. Front Rack Walking Lunge, 45#/35#

8 Jumping Pull-ups

*Jump over the bar after each burpee

*Mark out lines in 5ft increments for the lunges, every 5ft is 1 rep

C: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

20-Minute AMRAP of:

10 Lunges in place, 25#/15#

8 Burpees

10 Lunges in place, 25#/15#

8 Jumping Pull-ups