Clinton Hill, East Williamsburg – CROSS TRAINING
Which girl workout do you have a crush on so far?
Annie, Elizabeth or Isabel? Maybe Diane?
Headstand push to plank
Handstand downward dog HSPU
Headstand push up with box
Headstand push w/ partner
Headstand push up against wall
Diane (Time)
Deadlifts, 225# / 155#
Handstand Push-ups
Prescribed weight for the deadlifts is 225/155. A very good guideline for scaling is that you should be using 70% or less of your 1RM deadlift. For men, you should have a 1RM of 325 or higher to do this many deadlifts at 225. For women, your 1RM deadlift should be 225 or higher to do the workout with 155#.
For the handstand push ups there are a variety of scaling options available. The coach will help each person individually based on current abilities to ensure the correct metabolic response.
Believe it or not, this workout is of “Fran” caliber. It is meant to be short and intense. (Dan Bailey did it in 1:35…) We will have a 10 minute cut-off for the workout today.