Best Partner WODs To Do With Dad On Father’s Day: By Coach Brit Fryer


Best Partner WODs To Do With Dad On Father’s Day: By Coach Brit Fryer

Father’s Day is near and if you haven’t already spread your own love for functional fitness to your parents, then make the upcoming holiday the day.

Why do a partner WOD with your dad? Partner WODs offer the benefits of team building, built in rest periods, and add some variety to your daily workouts. Most importantly, they offer a great chance to share something you love with the people around you.
We’ve put together a list of 3 of the best partner WODs (workout of the day) that you can do with dad.
1. “Plenty of Time to Talk”
Buy in – Row 2000 Meters (broken up between you and dad, 1 person works at a time)
20 Russian KB Swings (53lb)
15 Burpees
10 Pull Ups
15 Lunge Steps
20 Sit Ups
400 Meter Run together
2. “Passing The Torch”

20-minute AMRAP
6 Renegade Rows, 50lb
12 DB Cleans
24 Sit-ups
48 Double Unders
You run 400 meters while dad does the WOD. When you get back from the run, dad will start running and you will continue the WOD where dad left off.

3. “Like When You Were a Kid”
1600m Partner Carry (800m per person)
* If you or dad put each other down before your 800m is finished, then you both will do 5 synchronized burpees.
We hope these WODs will give you some inspiration to get dad to the box. An endorphin boosting sweat-fest with dad is better than some macaroni necklace anyway!