Keeping the Open Energy: By Coach Brit Fryer


Keeping the Open Energy: By Coach Brit Fryer

We Did It. Congrats Everyone!  

The Open ends on Friday — cue the fanfare or tiny violins depending on who you are and how you feel about the Open. While my lungs are excited for the break from fast metcons and Friday Night Lights, I’m sad to say goodbye to the highs that come with pushing yourself, and being surrounding by a cheering crowd of friends.

If you are like me and thrive in the Open vibes, here are some tips to keep the magic alive: 
1. Review your Open if you were bummed to see those strict HSPUs in 19.3, because you never test or practice strict gymnastics, write that down.  Everything that wasn’t your jam this year should become a goal for the next. Committing to working on your weaknesses will keep you motivated until the next competition.
2. Workout with your friends – Wasn’t it awesome to work out with everyone? Try to find a time in the week to bring all your gym friends together, WOD, and then grab some well earned dinner.
3. Don’t skip BK Fit events – Your coaches are always looking for ways to build up a community, so if you can make an event, (LIKE LADIES WOD &  WINE!!) try to make it. Events are fun ways to see people you don’t always see, while getting a nice workout in.
4. Treat yo self! – You did it. You got through five weeks of super hard workouts while maintaining your busy life as a New Yorker. You’ve earned it. I can’t tell you what your “it” is. Though, I can say my “it” was some summer ready gym tanks.

All of this is to say, keep up the Open energy. Whether you got your first bar muscle up in 19.4, did 0 handstand push ups or 31, crushed some bear crawls, or just came to class on Friday, you were a part of transforming what should be the longest part of Winter, into awesome time!

Congrats BK Fit Fam and until October.